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Why sensitive data still leaks out

"Details of nearly 100 cases of data breaches, two thirds committed by government departments or other public sector bodies have been passed to the authorities", said Richard Thomas the UK Information Commissioner.

As of 2010, UK Government departments and corporate industry are still failing to apply adequate standards for data security. Organisations that have lost significant amounts of "sensitive" computer data include the NHS, the MOD, the police, HMRC, and the security services.

How can this be, surely there are systems in place to prevent this from happening. Well, there are systems in place but sometimes they fail. All too often embedded control measures include reliance on procedure and/or make incorrect assumptions about human behaviour. 

Rules and legislation only work on persons that are law abiding, so it's no good just asking people to follow procedure. Even when there is no real intent to cause a breach or harm, rules easily get broken through ignorance,

laziness or a simple lack of awareness of what the bad guys can do with, or without, technology. Chelsfield consultants have been tactically and strategically involved in the design and implementation of security systems long before personal computers or network structures were in common use. 

Essentially the problems associated with maintaining data integrity, or any other kind of security for that matter, haven't changed. It's just that nowadays there's much more complexity around and subsequently a corresponding increase in the opportunity for things to go pear shaped. 

The staff of many organisations are mostly unaware of how sensitive data can leak out, or what's needed to prevent it. We can assist with basic instruction for you, or your staff, and can arrange to hold one-day in-house seminars with a variety of organisations participating in the training. If you ask us to arrange or participate in a seminar, we won't use the opportunity to try and sell things to you.

Wherever possible, Chelsfield data security systems work in the background, this overcomes the problem of having to rely on individuals working with cumbersome procedures. We have developed proprietary data encryption modules and authentication code systems that can be applied in a wide variety of ways. For example, as part of a third party program. To find out how this might benefit you, please contact us today at the address below.

Self-Contained Lock-Down using Chelsfield Encryption Wrapper

Typical Chelsfield custom-written security program to meet specific needs. The underlying encryption method AES, RC4, Blowfish etc., remains transparent. The inbuilt file-wipe exceeds requirements of US Defense Std. 5220,22-M 

Chelsfield Encryption Systems

Chelsfield can assist you specify, then write and supply custom  encryption systems to suit your needs. These can be based on strong block ciphers such as AES, RC4, Blowfish, 3DES, or Twofish. 

Alternatively, we have also supplied customised, as well as many third party, programs based on a proprietary Chelsfield polymorphic stream cipher. Polymorphic refers to a "rotating barrel" algorithm to generate PRNG seeds and to ensure hash collision resistance. We usually wrap this fast algorithm inside a Dynamic Link Library (.DLL ) file that has a small foot print and provides simple real time access. The technique is platform independent and the code may be used to encrypt any binary data stream. It’s also fast enough to be used "on-the-fly" in many applications. 

Programs can be supplied with biometric access coupled to more conventional authentication techniques to provide very strong perimeter control barriers. Passwords may be held in encrypted form in memory for the current session but are retired automatically under user pre-set rules that can only be modified, not defeated. Passwords are never written out to disc or other storage. 

For Microsoft operating systems, the software can be packaged as an in-process server. An advantage to this is that additional custom routines can be written which may be deployed as part of a single library (.DLL) file, or run as a background service on Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win7 platforms. 

Passwords: a very weak link

No matter how effective the data security system is, it invariably hangs on the strength of a user password. It is surprising how many people think they have a secure password by adding a few numbers to a date or a name. The idea that "no one will guess it" may even be true!  However, this does not make for a strong password. As an example take the password: [ 128April1966 ].  A brute-force or dictionary attack will compose this string in a matter of milliseconds. It is a very weak password.

Passwords  should be formed from as random a character string as possible, including alpha numeric's together with symbols.  There are, readily available, small utility programs designed to generate random password strings as seen here to the right.  This Chelsfield example will enable you to set the minimum and maximum password length and set what types of character are to be included. The utility also indicates what strength, measured by conventional metrics, the password is considered to be.    

Chelsfield Password Generator V1.02

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